Insurance Documents are Required.
Please make sure to submit a copy.
However, you still can submit your application now and then go to edit to upload the missing documents anytime
(before the due date).
Rental Sports Safety Policies and Procedures Packet AcknowledgementsRental Sports Safety Policies and Procedures Packet Acknowledgements
The purpose of this acknowledgement form is to confirm that you, the renter, have read and understand the information provided to you by the City of Watervliet related to potential concussions/head injuries and child abuse occurring during participation in athletic activities.
Concussion and Head Injury
who is renting THE WATERVLIET DOME ( 1300 2nd Ave, Watervliet, NY 12189) and participating in athletic activities during our rental time have read the informational material provided to us by THE CITY OF WATERVLIET related to head injuries occurring during athletic programs and understand the content and warnings.
Additionally, we agree to distribute the informational materials to the athletes for which we are renting the space.
Child Sports Abuse Prevention PolicyThe purpose of this acknowledgement form is to confirm that you, the renter, have read and understand the information provided to you by the City of Watervliet related to potential concussions/head injuries and child abuse occurring during participation in athletic activities.
Child Abuse Prevention
who is renting THE WATERVLIET DOME ( 1300 2nd Ave, Watervliet, NY 12189) and participating in athletic activities during our rental time have read the informational material provided to us by THE CITY OF WATERVLIET related to the prevention of child abuse during athletic programs and understand the content and warnings.
Additionally, we agree to distribute the informational materials to the athletes for which we are renting the space.